

普通預金に2000ドルの残高を入力し、2015年を選択した場合の合計は2289.80ドルです。これは正しいです。次に、企業アカウントに2015を選択し、1000ドルを入力した場合、合計は1102.50ドルになります。したがって、両方のアカウントを選択して同じ番号を入力し、両方のチェックボックスをオンにすると、$ 3434.70が得られますが、$3392.30が得られるはずです。


Public Class Form1

Private Sub btnMediaEstimatedFund_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnMediaEstimatedFund.Click

    Dim interestRate, initialBalanceSavings, initialBalanceCorporate, finalBalance, year, theYear, subTotal As Double
    Dim savingsInterestRate As Double = 0
    Dim corporateInterestRate As Double = 0
    Dim savingsSubTotal As Double = 0
    Dim corporateSubTotal As Double = 0

    txtBoxEstimatedBudget.Enabled = False
    txtBoxAgenciesNeeded.Enabled = False

    If radButtonTraditional.Checked Then

        txtBoxAgenciesNeeded.Text = 3

    ElseIf radButtonEMedia.Checked Then

        txtBoxAgenciesNeeded.Text = 2

    End If

    If checkBoxSavings.Checked Then

        savingsInterestRate = 0.07

    ElseIf checkBoxCorporate.Checked Then

        corporateInterestRate = 0.05
    End If

    If checkBoxSavings.Checked = False And checkBoxCorporate.Checked = False Then

        MsgBox("Please chose an account type to proceed!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error")

    End If

    If radButton2015.Checked Then

        theYear = 2015

    ElseIf radButton2016.Checked Then

        theYear = 2016

    ElseIf radButton2017.Checked Then

        theYear = 2017

    End If

    Dim inputtedData As String

    If checkBoxSavings.Checked Then

            inputtedData = InputBox("Please enter a balance for SAVINGS account between $500.00 and $3000.00", "Initial Savings Balance", "0.00")

            If inputtedData = "" Then

                MsgBox("User chose to cancel calculation!")

                Exit Sub


                initialBalanceSavings = CType(inputtedData, Single)

                If initialBalanceSavings > 3000 Or initialBalanceSavings < 500 Then MsgBox("Please enter a balance for SAVINGS account equal to or above $500.00 and no more than $3000.00", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error")

            End If

        Loop Until initialBalanceSavings >= 500 And initialBalanceSavings <= 3000

    End If

    If checkBoxCorporate.Checked Then


            inputtedData = InputBox("Please enter a balance for CORPORATE account between $500.00 and $3000.00", "Initial Corporate Balance", "0.00")

            If inputtedData = "" Then

                MsgBox("User chose to Cancel calculation!")

                Exit Sub


                initialBalanceCorporate = CType(inputtedData, Single)

                If initialBalanceCorporate > 3000 Or initialBalanceCorporate < 500 Then MsgBox("Please enter a balance for CORPORATE account equal to or above $500.00 and no more than $3000.00", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error")

            End If

        Loop Until initialBalanceCorporate >= 500 And initialBalanceCorporate <= 3000

    End If

    savingsSubTotal = initialBalanceSavings
    corporateSubTotal = initialBalanceCorporate

    For year = 2013 To theYear - 1

        If savingsInterestRate > 0 Then

            savingsSubTotal = savingsSubTotal * (1 + savingsInterestRate)

        End If

        If corporateInterestRate > 0 Then

            corporateSubTotal = corporateSubTotal * (1 + corporateInterestRate)

        End If


    finalBalance = savingsSubTotal + corporateSubTotal
    txtBoxEstimatedBudget.Text = FormatCurrency(finalBalance)

End Sub

1 に答える 1



finalBalance = initialBalanceSavings + initialBalanceCorporate

For year = 2013 To theYear - 1
    subTotal = finalBalance * (1 + interestRate)
    finalBalance = subTotal


If checkBoxSavings.Checked Then
    interestRate = 0.07
ElseIf checkBoxCorporate.Checked Then
    interestRate = 0.05
End If

上記では、両方のチェックボックスをオンにしても金利は0.07に設定されているため、ループで誰かが2015を計算した場合は、最終的な合計を次のように計算します3000 * 1.07 * 1.07(2000 * 1.07 * 1.07) + (1000 * 1.05 * 1.05)


Dim savingsInterestRate as Double = 0
Dim corporateInterestRate as Double = 0


Dim savingsSubTotal as Double = 0
Dim corporateSubTotal as Double = 0


    savingsSubTotal = initialBalanceSavings
    corporateSubTotal = initialBalanceCorporate

    For year = 2013 To theYear - 1
        If savingsInterestRate > 0 Then
            savingsSubTotal = savingsSubTotal * (1 + savingsInterestRate)
        End If

        If corporateInterestRate > 0 Then
            corporateSubTotal = corporateSubTotal * (1 + corporateInterestRate)
        End If

    finalBalance = savingsSubTotal + corporateSubTotal


If checkBoxSavings.Checked Then
    savingsInterestRate = 0.07
End If

If checkBoxCorporate.Checked Then
    corporateInterestRate = 0.05
End If


于 2013-03-26T02:03:01.587 に答える