I'm trying to access the document object of a page that lives in an <iframe> from the host page. In other words, I have a page that has an <iframe> in it, and I want to use jQuery on that page (the parent page) to access the document object of that <iframe>.
Specifically, I'm trying to find the height of the <iframe>d document once its content is rendered (onload) so that I can then resize the <iframe> from the parent page to match the height of the <iframe>'s content exactly.
If it's important, this <iframe> is created on the host page using JavaScript, and is in the same domain as the parent page. I already use this type of code:
to populate the <iframe> with content, but I don't know the exact syntax for getting the <iframe>'s document object.
For some reason I'm finding a lot of ways to access the parent's document object from within an <iframe> (most with plain JavaScript), but not the other way around.
Thanks in advance for any help!