そのため、画像が 35kb を超える場合は圧縮するように画像アップローダーを調整しようとしていますが、うまくいかないようです。常に「ファイル サイズが大きすぎる」というエラーが表示されるので、正しく実行しているとは思わないでください。大きい! 最大は 35kb です。さらに圧縮するか、別の画像を見つけてください。」


function article_top_image($article_id)
    global $db, $config;

    if (isset($_FILES['new_image']) && $_FILES['new_image']['error'] == 0)
        if (!@fopen($_FILES['new_image']['tmp_name'], 'r'))
            $this->error_message = "Could not find image, did you select one to upload?";
            return false;

            // check the dimensions
            list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($_FILES['new_image']['tmp_name']);

            // check if its too big
            if ($_FILES['new_image']['size'] > 35900)
                // compress it to see if we can make it smaller
                imagejpeg($_FILES['new_image']['tmp_name'], $_FILES['new_image']['tmp_name'], 50);

                // check again
                if ($_FILES['new_image']['size'] > 35900)
                    $this->error_message = 'File size too big! The max is 35kb, try to use some more compression on it, or find another image.';
                    return false;

            else if ($width > $config['article_image_max_width'] || $height > $config['article_image_max_height'])
                $this->error_message = 'Too big!';
                return false;

            // this will make sure it is an image file, if it cant get an image size then its not an image
            else if (!getimagesize($_FILES['new_image']['tmp_name']))
                $this->error_message = 'Not an image!';
                return false;

        // see if they currently have an avatar set
        $db->sqlquery("SELECT `article_top_image` FROM `articles` WHERE `article_id` = ?", array($article_id));
        $image = $db->fetch();

        // give the image a random file name
        $imagename = rand() . 'id' . $article_id . '.jpg';

        // the actual image
        $source = $_FILES['new_image']['tmp_name'];

        // where to upload to
        $target = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/uploads/articles/topimages/" . $imagename;  

        if (move_uploaded_file($source, $target))
            // remove old avatar
            if ($image['article_top_image'] == 1)
                unlink($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/uploads/articles/topimages/' . $image['article_top_image_filename']);

            $db->sqlquery("UPDATE `articles` SET `article_top_image` = 1, `article_top_image_filename` = ? WHERE `article_id` = ?", array($imagename, $article_id));
            return true;

            $this->error_message = 'Could not upload file!';
            return false;

        return true;


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