I have created a multi line chart with a simple animation. In the beginning there are no data and after clicking a button new values are emulated and the line "move" left. The move is animated using a "shift".
The problem occurs when the lines "fill" the whole graph area (that means there are y values for all x values) and then the lines are animated in a different way. It looks like the y values are animated on a curve, not slided to the left.
The animation works good for both axes:
svg.selectAll("g .x.axis")
svg.selectAll("g .y.axis")
And not for lines (this code helped me a lot)
svg.selectAll("g .city path")
.attr("d", function(d, i) { return line(d.values); })
.attr("transform", null);
The Fiddle is accessible here.
Thanks for help.