m.expiry_date を変数 @nextActionDueOn に割り当てる必要があります。
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[MembershipRetentionCheck]
declare @firstActionTypeId int = 25 -- membership expiring
declare @nextActionTypeId int = 3 -- Call company
declare @nextActionDueOn date
if object_id('tempdb..#companies') is not null
drop table #companies
create table #companies (id int, membLevel int, expiryDate date)
-- find all companies
insert into #companies
select c.Company_Id, m.MembershipLevel, @nextActionDueOn = m.[Expiry_Date]
from COMPANY c
inner join MEMBERSHIP m on c.Company_ID = m.Company_ID
-- current member
m.IsMember_Ind <> 0 and
-- membership will expire in one month
m.[Expiry_Date] between GETDATE() and DATEADD(month, 1, getdate()) and
-- and don't have an action of this type within the membership period
not exists(select * from TaskAction ta where
(ta.FirstActionTypeId = @firstActionTypeId) -- first action is membership expiring
or (ta.TaskTypeId = 8) -- Retention (user created) = 8 FB3367
-- look for Retention task now assigned to Artwork FB3367
or (ta.TaskTypeId in (37, 39, 41) and ta.CurrentEditRecord like '%Subject changed from "Retention%')
) and
ta.EntityId = c.Company_ID and
ta.EntityTypeId = 1 and
ta.TaskCreatedOn between DATEADD(MONTH, -2, m.[Expiry_Date]) and GETDATE()
exec CreateRetentionTasks @firstActionTypeId, @nextActionTypeId, @nextActionDueOn
drop table #companies
この SP では、有効期限を割り当て、それをパラメーターとして別のストアド プロシージャに渡しています。しかし、タイトルで指定したエラーが発生しています。