golang では、非バッファ型とバッファ型 (それぞれ同期と非同期) の 2 種類のチャネルを使用できます。
unbufferedChan := make(chan string)
bufferedChan := make(chan string, 100)
バッファリングされていないチャネルを介して通信する 2 つのゴルーチンは、互いに待機する必要があります。つまり、受信ゴルーチンは送信者が送信するまでブロックし、送信者は受信者が受信するまでブロックします。
バッファリングされたチャネルを使用することで、ゴルーチンがブロックしている時間を短縮し、コードの速度を向上できると期待していました。代わりに、すべてが遅くなりました。私の予想に反して (つまり、「バッファリングはより効率的です」)、バッファリングされていないチャネルはかなり高速になりました。
これがすべてのコードです。最初に必要になります。go get code.google.com/p/go-html-transform/html/transform
package main
import (
sel "code.google.com/p/go-html-transform/css/selector"
h5 "code.google.com/p/go-html-transform/h5"
gnhtml "code.google.com/p/go.net/html"
// Find a specific HTML element and return its textual element children.
func main() {
test := `
<title>This is the test document!</title>
header: color=blue;
<div id="h" class="header">This is some text</div>
// Get a parse tree for this HTML
h5tree, err := h5.NewFromString(test)
if err != nil {
n := h5tree.Top()
// Create a Chain object from a CSS selector statement
chn, err := sel.Selector("#h")
if err != nil {
// Find the item. Should be a div node with the text "This is some text"
h := chn.Find(n)[0]
// run our little experiment this many times total
var iter int = 100000
// When buffering, how large shall the buffer be?
var bufSize uint = 100
// Keep a running total of the number of times we've tried buffered
// and unbuffered channels.
var bufCount int = 0
var unbufCount int =0
// Keep a running total of the number of nanoseconds that have gone by.
var bufSum int64 = 0
var unbufSum int64 = 0
// Call the function {iter} times, randomly choosing whether to use a
// buffered or unbuffered channel.
for i := 0; i < iter; i++ {
if rand.Float32() < 0.5 {
// No buffering
unbufCount += 1
startTime := time.Now()
getAllText(h, 0)
unbufSum += time.Since(startTime).Nanoseconds()
} else {
// Use buffering
bufCount += 1
startTime := time.Now()
getAllText(h, bufSize)
bufSum += time.Since(startTime).Nanoseconds()
unbufAvg := unbufSum / int64(unbufCount)
bufAvg := bufSum / int64(bufCount)
fmt.Printf("Unbuffered average time (ns): %v\n", unbufAvg)
fmt.Printf("Buffered average time (ns): %v\n", bufAvg)
// Kill the program and report the error
func die(err error) {
fmt.Printf("Terminating: %v\n", err.Error())
// Walk through all of a nodes children and construct a string consisting
// of c.Data where c.Type == TextNode
func getAllText(n *gnhtml.Node, bufSize uint) string {
var texts chan string
if bufSize == 0 {
// unbuffered, synchronous
texts = make(chan string)
} else {
// buffered, asynchronous
texts = make(chan string, bufSize)
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
// Go walk through all n's child nodes, sending only textual data
// over the texts channel.
nTree := h5.NewTree(n)
go func () {
nTree.Walk(func (c *gnhtml.Node) {
if c.Type == gnhtml.TextNode {
texts <- c.Data
// As text data comes in over the texts channel, build up finalString
finalString := ""
go func () {
for t := range texts {
finalString += t
// Return finalString once both of the goroutines have finished.
return finalString
プログラムを 10 回実行した結果は次のとおりです。
Buffered average time (ns): 32088
Buffered average time (ns): 32183
Buffered average time (ns): 35091
Buffered average time (ns): 35798
Buffered average time (ns): 36966
Buffered average time (ns): 38707
Buffered average time (ns): 39464
Buffered average time (ns): 40021
Buffered average time (ns): 41063
Buffered average time (ns): 46248
Unbuffered average time (ns): 18265
Unbuffered average time (ns): 18804
Unbuffered average time (ns): 20268
Unbuffered average time (ns): 20401
Unbuffered average time (ns): 21652
Unbuffered average time (ns): 22630
Unbuffered average time (ns): 22907
Unbuffered average time (ns): 23326
Unbuffered average time (ns): 24133
Unbuffered average time (ns): 27546