/* node*/
typedef struct client {
int number; /* */
int balance;/* */
char lastName[20]; /* */
char firstName [20];/* */
char phone[11]; /* */
char email[20];
struct client *prev;/* */
struct client *next;
struct client *tmp; /* */
} Client;
Client *firstc,*currentc,*newc, *a, *b,*tmp; /*pointers*/
/* *"firstc' firstc element in list
*'currentc' current node
*'newc' new node
*'a' temporary pointer to Sort function
*'b' temporary pointer to Sort function
*'tmp' temporary pointer to Sort function
int counter = 0;
int cnum = 0; /*cnum gives unique account numbers avoiding misentering*/
/*---Sort function------*/
void Sort()
/* */
int a = 0;/*variables to store balance*/
int b = 0;/*variables to store balance*/
printf("Database is empty"); /*message*/
currentc = firstc;
currentc->prev = NULL;
tmp = NULL;
while((currentc=currentc->next)!= NULL)
{ /* 1) compare two nodes;
2) IF balance >*/
int a = currentc->balance;
int b = currentc->next->balance;/* debugger stopped here... */
if (a>b)
//if(currentc->balance >currentc->next->balance)
{ /*swap nodes*/
/*code using three pointers*/
tmp = currentc->next;
currentc->next->next = currentc->next;
currentc->next->next = tmp;
/*3)move along the list*/
currentc = currentc->next;
/*4) repeat to the end of list*/
currentc = firstc;