After duplicating our web store onto a new server, copying the database over and changing the base url/safe base url in the db, all we get from the copied installation is the front page. That is, no custom url redirects work (for products, the admin panel, etc.), they all result in a 404 (and not the magento 404, the server default). Do you have any ideas what I could check out? Could there be an issue with one of the libraries included in magento?

I tried reindexing with /shell/indexer.php - which executed successfully but didn't fix the redirects.

Any ideas? Note I cannot access the admin panel via /admin because of this issue.

Edit: solution was .htaccess file missing in root directory I added the sample htaccess file from the magento installation (I uploaded a copy in case someone finds it useful: http://sdrv.ms/13mw8Ok), and mod_rewrite was activated the next time I visited the site.


1 に答える 1

  1. vhosts ファイルが mod_rewrite を許可するように正しく設定されていることを確認してください
  2. .htaccess ファイルが正しく設定されていることを確認してください

Apache 2.2 で mod_rewrite を有効にする方法


于 2013-05-30T09:52:49.453 に答える