some title information at file header
I001=send login information to the system
connection is OK
A001=System has answered: "you are connected"
I002=press the log out button
A002=system has answered: "You have been disconnected"
disconnection is OK
I003= timeout is 10
If timeout occurs, refresh view and then check if connection is come again
Else retry refreshment until you are connected to the system
more +1 %1 | findstr /v /r "^A...=.*"
I001=send login information to the system
connection is OK
I002=press the log out button
I003= timeout is 10
If timeout occurs, refresh view and then check if connection is come again.
Else retry refreshment until you are connected to the system
I001=send login information to the system
I002=press the log out button
I003= timeout is 10
一方、ファイルをパラメータとして使用する vbs スクリプトにパイプを介してこの結果をすぐに渡す方法を教えてください。私が使うとき
findstr "I[0-9][0-9][0-9]" "%~1"|cscript myscript.vbs,
fsoObj=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") の行 fsoObj.opentextfile(wscript.arguments(0),1).readall でエラーが発生します。