これを理解するのに役立つ C 言語プログラマーはいますか? ガロンあたりの平均走行距離の計算がうまくいかず、頭がぐるぐるしています。どなたか解決策があればよろしくお願いします^_^
int x, number_of_tanks = 3;
double total_num1, total_num2;
double total_miles_per_gallon;
float division, avg;
float num1, num2;
for (x = 1; x <= 3; x++)
printf("Enter the number of gallons used for tank #%i: ",x);
scanf("%f", &num1);
fflush(stdin); /* clear input buffer */
printf("Enter the number of miles driven: ");
scanf("%f", &num2);
fflush(stdin); /* clear input buffer */
/* calculate and output the miles per gallon from user input. */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
division = num2 / (float) num1;
printf("The miles per gallon for this tank %.1f divided by %.1f is %.1f", \
num2, num1, division);
total_num2 = total_num2 + num2;
printf("The total of miles is %f\n", total_num2);
total_num1 = total_num1 + num1;
printf("The total of gallons is %f\n", total_num1);
avg = (double) total_num2 / total_num1;
printf("Overall average miles per gallon for three tanks: %.1f", avg);