以下のようにストアドプロシージャを開発しました。各 inputdate 列の値が null である行を除外したいと思います (null ではない入力日付が 1 つある場合、行はそのままにする必要があります)。どうすればいいのかわかりません。私はウェブを検索しましたが、結果はありませんでした。あなたの助けに感謝。ありがとう。

create procedure [dbo].[sp_select_staff_time_inputs]
@startDate date,
@enddate date,
@teamid int,
@functionid int,
@servicefunctionid int


-- create variables, @columns = inputdates (columns of pivoted table)
DECLARE @columns NVARCHAR(2000)
declare @query nvarchar(4000)

select distinct inputdate into #temp_table_input_dates 
from timeinputs 
where inputdate >= @startDate and inputdate <= @enddate
order by inputdate

--select * from #temp_table_input_dates 

select @columns = isnull(@columns + ',', '') + '[' +  convert(varchar,convert(date,inputdate)) + ']' FROM #temp_table_input_dates

--select @columns

create table #temp_table_joins (
    soeid varchar(7),
    firstname varchar(50),
    lastname varchar(50),
    teamid int,
    team varchar(50),
    functionid int,
    function varchar(50),
    inputdate date,
    noofhours float,
    servicefunctionid int,
    servicefunction varchar(50),
    servicephaseid int,
    servicephase varchar(50)

insert into #temp_table_joins
--select * into #temp_table_joins from 
u.SOEID, u.Firstname, u.Lastname, u.teamid,
t.team, t.functionid,
ti.inputdate, ti.noofhours, ti.servicefunctionid,
sf.servicefunction, sf.servicephaseid,
sp. servicephase

from users u 
inner join teams t on u.teamid = t.teamid
inner join functions f on t.functionid = f.functionid
inner join timeinputs ti on u.userid = ti.userid
inner join servicefunctions sf on ti.servicefunctionid = sf.servicefunctionid
inner join servicephases sp on sf.servicephaseid = sp.servicephaseid

--select * from #temp_table_joins

set @query = 'select soeid, firstname, lastname, teamid, team, functionid,
    function, servicefunctionid, servicefunction, servicephaseid,
    servicephase' + @columns + ' from
(select * from #temp_table_joins
) p
pivot (sum (noofhours) for inputdate in (' + @columns + ')) as asd'

--select @query
--select *, noofhours, userid from timeinputs


drop table #temp_table_joins
drop table #temp_table_input_dates 


2 に答える 2




create procedure [dbo].[sp_select_staff_time_inputs]
@startDate date,
@enddate date,
@gvoteamid int,
@gvofunctionid int,
@servicefunctionid int


-- create variables, @columns = inputdates (columns of pivoted table)
DECLARE @columns NVARCHAR(2000)
declare @query nvarchar(4000)
DECLARE @columnscondition NVARCHAR(2000)

select distinct inputdate into #temp_table_input_dates 
from timeinputs 
where inputdate >= @startDate and inputdate <= @enddate
order by inputdate

--select * from #temp_table_input_dates 

select @columns = isnull(@columns + ',', '') + '[' +  convert(varchar,convert(date,inputdate)) + ']' FROM #temp_table_input_dates
select @columnscondition = isnull(@columnscondition + ' and ', '') + '[' +  convert(varchar,convert(date,inputdate)) + '] is not null' FROM #temp_table_input_dates

--SELECT @columnscondition

--select @columns

create table #temp_table_joins (
    soeid varchar(7),
    firstname varchar(50),
    lastname varchar(50),
    gvoteamid int,
    gvoteam varchar(50),
    gvofunctionid int,
    gvofunction varchar(50),
    inputdate date,
    noofhours float,
    servicefunctionid int,
    servicefunction varchar(50),
    servicephaseid int,
    servicephase varchar(50)

insert into #temp_table_joins
--select * into #temp_table_joins from 
u.SOEID, u.Firstname, u.Lastname, u.gvoteamid,
t.gvoteam, t.gvofunctionid,
ti.inputdate, ti.noofhours, ti.servicefunctionid,
sf.servicefunction, sf.servicephaseid,
sp. servicephase

from users u 
inner join gvoteams t on u.gvoteamid = t.gvoteamid
inner join gvofunctions f on t.gvofunctionid = f.gvofunctionid
inner join timeinputs ti on u.userid = ti.userid
inner join servicefunctions sf on ti.servicefunctionid = sf.servicefunctionid
inner join servicephases sp on sf.servicephaseid = sp.servicephaseid

--select * from #temp_table_joins

set @query = 'select soeid, firstname, lastname, gvoteamid, gvoteam, gvofunctionid,
    gvofunction, servicefunctionid, servicefunction, servicephaseid,
    servicephase, ' + @columns + ' from
(select * from #temp_table_joins where noofhours is not null
) p 

pivot (sum (noofhours) for inputdate in (' + @columns + ')) as asd
where (' + @columnscondition +')'

--select @query

--select @query
--select *, noofhours, userid from timeinputs


drop table #temp_table_joins
drop table #temp_table_input_dates 

于 2013-07-15T14:21:19.203 に答える