アダプティブ ペイメント ペイパル ペイ API 操作を使用してトランザクションを完了し、ipn とリターン URL の両方を設定しました。ペイパルから IPN メッセージを正常に取得していますが、ペイパルからリターン URL への pdt データを取得できず、取得できない理由がわかりませんPaypal からのデータと、Paypal のプロファイル設定で pdt と自動返品をオンにしました
$PayRequestFields = array(
'ActionType' => 'PAY', // Required. Whether the request pays the receiver or whether the request is set up to create a payment request, but not fulfill the payment until the ExecutePayment is called. Values are: PAY, CREATE, PAY_PRIMARY
'CancelURL' => site_url('paypal/adaptive_payments/pay_cancel'), // Required. The URL to which the sender's browser is redirected if the sender cancels the approval for the payment after logging in to paypal.com. 1024 char max.
'CurrencyCode' => 'USD', // Required. 3 character currency code.
'FeesPayer' => '', // The payer of the fees. Values are: SENDER, PRIMARYRECEIVER, EACHRECEIVER, SECONDARYONLY
'IPNNotificationURL' => 'http://mysite.com/dev/wallet/ipn_update', // The URL to which you want all IPN messages for this payment to be sent. 1024 char max.
'Memo' => '', // A note associated with the payment (text, not HTML). 1000 char max
'Pin' => '', // The sener's personal id number, which was specified when the sender signed up for the preapproval
'PreapprovalKey' => '', // The key associated with a preapproval for this payment. The preapproval is required if this is a preapproved payment.
'ReturnURL' => 'http://mysite.prystino.com/dev/wallet/pdt_update', // Required. The URL to which the sener's browser is redirected after approvaing a payment on paypal.com. 1024 char max.
'ReverseAllParallelPaymentsOnError' => '', // Whether to reverse paralel payments if an error occurs with a payment. Values are: TRUE, FALSE
'SenderEmail' => '', // Sender's email address. 127 char max.
'TrackingID' => '' // Unique ID that you specify to track the payment. 127 char max.