

以下のコードは、各ブロックに 4 つのデータ要素を割り当てます。各ブロックには 32 の倍数のスレッドが必要です。私のデータには 128 の倍数のスレッドがあるため、この制限は受け入れられます。4*blockDim.x各ブロックには、要素に加えてワープ間で合計する追加の 32 要素用に十分な共有メモリが割り当てられます。scanBlockAnyLength次に、ワープ間の不一致を修正するために必要なオフセットを追加し、各ワープの最終値をdev_blockSumデバイスのグローバル メモリに保存します。sumWarp4_32次に、この配列をスキャンして、ブロック間の不一致を修正するための最終的なものを見つけます。kernel_sumBlock

using std::cout;
using std::endl;

#define MAX_THREADS 1024
#define MAX_BLOCKS 65536
#define N 512

__device__ float sumWarp4_128(float* ptr, const int tidx = threadIdx.x) {
    const unsigned int lane = tidx & 31;
    const unsigned int warpid = tidx >> 5; //32 threads per warp

    unsigned int i = warpid*128+lane; //first element of block data set this thread looks at

    if( lane >= 1 ) ptr[i] += ptr[i-1];
    if( lane >= 2 ) ptr[i] += ptr[i-2];
    if( lane >= 4 ) ptr[i] += ptr[i-4];
    if( lane >= 8 ) ptr[i] += ptr[i-8];
    if( lane >= 16 ) ptr[i] += ptr[i-16];

    if( lane==0 ) ptr[i+32] += ptr[i+31];

    if( lane >= 1 ) ptr[i+32] += ptr[i+32-1];
    if( lane >= 2 ) ptr[i+32] += ptr[i+32-2];
    if( lane >= 4 ) ptr[i+32] += ptr[i+32-4];
    if( lane >= 8 ) ptr[i+32] += ptr[i+32-8];
    if( lane >= 16 ) ptr[i+32] += ptr[i+32-16];

    if( lane==0 ) ptr[i+64] += ptr[i+63];

    if( lane >= 1 ) ptr[i+64] += ptr[i+64-1];
    if( lane >= 2 ) ptr[i+64] += ptr[i+64-2];
    if( lane >= 4 ) ptr[i+64] += ptr[i+64-4];
    if( lane >= 8 ) ptr[i+64] += ptr[i+64-8];
    if( lane >= 16 ) ptr[i+64] += ptr[i+64-16];

    if( lane==0 ) ptr[i+96] += ptr[i+95];

    if( lane >= 1 ) ptr[i+96] += ptr[i+96-1];
    if( lane >= 2 ) ptr[i+96] += ptr[i+96-2];
    if( lane >= 4 ) ptr[i+96] += ptr[i+96-4];
    if( lane >= 8 ) ptr[i+96] += ptr[i+96-8];
    if( lane >= 16 ) ptr[i+96] += ptr[i+96-16];

    return ptr[i+96];
__host__ __device__ float sumWarp4_32(float* ptr, const int tidx = threadIdx.x) {
    const unsigned int lane = tidx & 31;
    const unsigned int warpid = tidx >> 5; //32 elements per warp

    unsigned int i = warpid*32+lane; //first element of block data set this thread looks at

    if( lane >= 1 ) ptr[i] += ptr[i-1];
    if( lane >= 2 ) ptr[i] += ptr[i-2];
    if( lane >= 4 ) ptr[i] += ptr[i-4];
    if( lane >= 8 ) ptr[i] += ptr[i-8];
    if( lane >= 16 ) ptr[i] += ptr[i-16];

    return ptr[i];
__device__ float sumBlock4(float* ptr, const int tidx = threadIdx.x, const int bdimx = blockDim.x ) {
    const unsigned int lane = tidx & 31;
    const unsigned int warpid = tidx >> 5; //32 threads per warp

    float val = sumWarp4_128(ptr);
    __syncthreads();//should be included

    if( tidx==bdimx-1 ) ptr[4*bdimx+warpid] = val;

    if( warpid==0 ) sumWarp4_32((float*)&ptr[4*bdimx]);

    if( warpid>0 ) {
        ptr[warpid*128+lane] += ptr[4*bdimx+warpid-1];
        ptr[warpid*128+lane+32] += ptr[4*bdimx+warpid-1];
        ptr[warpid*128+lane+64] += ptr[4*bdimx+warpid-1];
        ptr[warpid*128+lane+96] += ptr[4*bdimx+warpid-1];
    return ptr[warpid*128+lane+96];
__device__ void scanBlockAnyLength4(float *ptr, float* dev_blockSum, const float* dev_input, float* dev_output, const int idx = threadIdx.x, const int bdimx = blockDim.x, const int bidx = blockIdx.x) {

    const unsigned int lane = idx & 31;
    const unsigned int warpid = idx >> 5;

    ptr[lane+warpid*128] = dev_input[lane+warpid*128+bdimx*bidx*4];
    ptr[lane+warpid*128+32] = dev_input[lane+warpid*128+bdimx*bidx*4+32];
    ptr[lane+warpid*128+64] = dev_input[lane+warpid*128+bdimx*bidx*4+64];
    ptr[lane+warpid*128+96] = dev_input[lane+warpid*128+bdimx*bidx*4+96];

    float val = sumBlock4(ptr);
    dev_blockSum[0] = 0.0f;
    if( idx==0 ) dev_blockSum[bidx+1] = ptr[bdimx*4-1];

    dev_output[lane+warpid*128+bdimx*bidx*4] = ptr[lane+warpid*128];
    dev_output[lane+warpid*128+bdimx*bidx*4+32] = ptr[lane+warpid*128+32];
    dev_output[lane+warpid*128+bdimx*bidx*4+64] = ptr[lane+warpid*128+64];
    dev_output[lane+warpid*128+bdimx*bidx*4+96] = ptr[lane+warpid*128+96];
__global__ void kernel_sumBlock(float* dev_blockSum, const float* dev_input, float*   dev_output ) {
    extern __shared__ float ptr[];
__global__ void kernel_offsetBlocks(float* dev_blockSum, float* dev_arr) {
    const int tidx = threadIdx.x;
    const int bidx = blockIdx.x;
    const int bdimx = blockDim.x;

    const int lane = tidx & 31;
    const int warpid = tidx >> 5;
    if( warpid==0 ) sumWarp4_32(dev_blockSum);
    float val = dev_blockSum[warpid];
    dev_arr[warpid*128+lane] += val;
    dev_arr[warpid*128+lane+32] += val;
    dev_arr[warpid*128+lane+64] += val;
    dev_arr[warpid*128+lane+96] += val;
void scan4( const float input[], float output[]) {
    int blocks = 2;
    int threadsPerBlock = 64; //multiple of 32
    int smemsize = (threadsPerBlock*4+32)*sizeof(float);

    float* dev_input, *dev_output;

    float *dev_blockSum;

    int offset = 0;
    int Nrem = N;
    int chunksize;
    while( Nrem ) {
        chunksize = max(Nrem,blocks*threadsPerBlock*4);
        offset += chunksize;
        Nrem -= chunksize;

int main() {
    float h_vec[N], sol[N];
    for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ ) h_vec[i] = (float)i+1.0f;


    cout << "solution:" << endl;
    for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ ) cout << i << " " << (i+2)*(i+1)/2 << " " << sol[i] << endl;
    return 0;

私の目にはsumWarp4_128、ワープ内で行が順番に実行されていないため、コードはエラーをスローしています。つまり、if( lane==0 )行はその前にある他の論理ブロックの前に実行されます。これはワープ内では不可能だと思いました。




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