動作しているスクリプトがありますが、入力日が今日の場合のみですが、たとえば日付があり、Sunday 7th of July at 10:51am
それThursday at 12:33 pm
は であり、1 週間より古いものはJanuary 1 at 12:33 pm
これはこれまでのスクリプトです (入力日付$timestamp
は の形式ですY-m-d H:i:s
function dateDiff($timestamp) {
if(empty($timestamp)) {
return "No date provided";
// Get time difference and setup arrays
$unix_date = strtotime($timestamp);
if(empty($unix_date)) {
return "Bad date";
$difference = time() - $unix_date;
$periods = array("second", "minute", "hour", "day", "week", "month", "years");
$lengths = array("60","60","24","7","4.35","12");
// Past or present
if ($difference >= 0) {
$ending = "ago";
} else {
$difference = -$difference;
$ending = "to go";
// Figure out difference by looping while less than array length
// and difference is larger than lengths.
$arr_len = count($lengths);
for($j = 0; $j < $arr_len && $difference >= $lengths[$j]; $j++) {
$difference /= $lengths[$j];
// Round up
$difference = round($difference);
// Make plural if needed
if($difference != 1) {
$periods[$j].= "s";
// Default format
$text = $difference." ".$periods[$j]." ".$ending;
// over 24 hours
if($j > 2) {
// future date over a day formate with year
if($ending == "to go") {
if($j == 3 && $difference == 1) {
$text = "Tomorrow at ". date("g:i a", $timestamp);
} else {
$text = date("F j, Y \a\\t g:i a", $timestamp);
return $text;
if($j == 3 && $difference == 1) { // Yesterday
$text = "Yesterday at ". date("g:i a", $timestamp);
} else if($j == 3) { // Less than a week display -- Monday at 5:28pm
$text = date("l \a\\t g:i a", $timestamp);
} else if($j < 6 && !($j == 5 && $difference == 12)) { // Less than a year display -- June 25 at 5:23am
$text = date("F j \a\\t g:i a", $timestamp);
} else { // if over a year or the same month one year ago -- June 30, 2010 at 5:34pm
$text = date("F j, Y \a\\t g:i a", $timestamp);
return $text;