以下のように、ピボット テーブルを作成するストアド プロシージャを作成しました。問題は、ヌルをゼロに変更しないため、期待どおりに機能しないことです。正しい方向を教えてください。

create procedure sp_system_counts

declare @columns nvarchar(max)
declare @columnscondition nvarchar(max)
declare @query nvarchar(max)

select distinct systemgroup, systemgroupsortorder into #temp_table_system_group
from systemgroups
where systemgroup not like 'N/A'
order by systemgroupsortorder

select @columns = isnull(@columns + ',', '') + '[' +  convert(varchar, systemgroup) + ']' FROM #temp_table_system_group

select @columnscondition =  + isnull(@columnscondition + ' or ', '') + '[' +  convert(varchar, systemgroup) + '] <> 0' FROM #temp_table_system_group
--select @columns

create table #temp_systems (
    systemid int,
    systemnane varchar(max),
    region varchar(50),
    systemgroup varchar(50),
    remsid int,
    remscode int)

insert into #temp_systems

select distinct sy.systemid, sy.systemname, co.region, syg.systemgroup, re.remsid, re.remscode
from systems sy
    inner join servers se on sy.systemid = se.systemid and sy.systemid = sy.systemid
    inner join rems re on se.remsid = re.remsid
    inner join cities ci on re.cityid = ci.cityid
    inner join countries co on ci.countryid = co.countryid
    inner join systemmodels sym on sy.systemmodelid = sym.systemmodelid
    inner join systemtypes syt on sym.systemtypeid = syt.systemtypeid
    inner join systemgroups syg on syt.systemgroupid = syg.systemgroupid
    where syg.systemgroup not like 'N/A'
order by syg.systemgroup

set @query = '
    select region, ' + @columns + '
    from (
        select distinct region, systemgroup, cnt = isnull(count(systemid),0) from #temp_systems
        group by region, systemgroup
        with rollup) p
            pivot (sum (cnt) for systemgroup in (' + @columns + ')) as asd
            where (' + @columnscondition +')' 


drop table #temp_table_system_group
drop table #temp_systems

1 に答える 1



select @columns = isnull(@columns + ',', '') + '[' +  convert(varchar, systemgroup) + ']' FROM #temp_table_system_group
select @columnscondition =  + isnull(@columnscondition + ' or ', '') + '[' +  convert(varchar, systemgroup) + '] <> 0' FROM #temp_table_system_group

select @columns = isnull(@columns + ',', '') + 'isnull(' + quotename(convert(varchar, systemgroup)) + ', 0) as ' + quotename(convert(varchar, systemgroup)) FROM #temp_table_system_group
select @columnscondition =  + isnull(@columnscondition + ' or ', '') + 'isnull(' + quotename(convert(varchar, systemgroup)) + ', 0) <> 0' FROM #temp_table_system_group

つまりisnull(.., 0)、ピボットする前ではなく、ピボットされたデータを処理する

于 2013-07-19T10:34:53.377 に答える