パッケージに関連付けられている各チェックボックスの入力に、同様の名前またはクラスを付けます。実際の html を見ずに、以下のサンプル html を提供します
<input type="checkbox" class="package1" name="package1[]" value="vacation">
<input type="checkbox" class="package1" name="package1[]" value="bonus">
<input type="checkbox" class="package1" name="package1[]" value="fries">
function togglePackage(isChecked,packageName) {
//Choose one of the two below to use
//Below selects the inputs by the class name
var cbs = document.querySelectorAll("input."+packageName);
//Or Below selects the inputs by the input name
var cbs = document.querySelectorAll("input[name^="+packageName+"]");
for(var i=0; i<cbs.length; i++) {
//Since they are either checked and disabled (both true)
//or unchecked and enabled (both false) we can just use
//isChecked to set both at once.
cbs.checked = isChecked;
cbs.disabled = isChecked;
//Then somewhere call the togglePackage function
//bx here would be the main checkbox that you want to
//have toggling the other boxes, and "package1" is obviously
//the name or the class you gave the checkboxes.