jQuery コード:
$(document).ready(function () {
// create variable to hold the current modal window
var activeWindow;
$('a.modalLink').click(function (e) {
// cancel the default link behaviour
// find the href of the link that was clicked to use as an id
var id = $(this).attr('href');
// assign the window with matching id to the activeWindow variable, move it to the center of the screen and fade in
activeWindow = $('.window#' + id)
.css('opacity', '0') // set to an initial 0 opacity
.css('top', '50%') // position vertically at 50%
.css('left', '50%') // position horizontally at 50%
.fadeTo(500, 1); // fade to an opacity of 1 (100%) over 500 milliseconds
// create blind and fade in
.append('<div id="blind" />') // create a <div> with an id of 'blind'
.find('#blind') // select the div we've just created
.css('opacity', '0') // set the initial opacity to 0
.fadeTo(500, 0.8) // fade in to an opacity of 0.8 (80%) over 500 milliseconds
.click(function (e) {
closeModal(); // close modal if someone clicks anywhere on the blind (outside of the window)
$('a.close').click(function (e) {
// cancel default behaviour
// call the closeModal function passing this close button's window
function closeModal() {
// fade out window and then move back to off screen when fade completes
activeWindow.fadeOut(250, function () {
$(this).css('top', '-1000px').css('left', '-1000px');
// fade out blind and then remove it
$('#blind').fadeOut(250, function () {