さまざまな単語の同義語を複数のドロップダウンで選択できる madlib スタイルの段落を作成しました。次に例を示します。
<p id="the-text">This is an example paragraph containing many
<select class="selector">
<option>dropdown thingies</option>
<option>option choosers</option>
</select>that I would like to be able to
<select class="selector">
<option>click on</option>
</select>and then know what the
<select class="selector">
</select>paragraph text is.
<select class="selector">
<option>It would be great</option>
<option>It would be nice</option>
<option>It'd be delightful</option>
</select>, and
<select class="selector">
</select>to dynamically create paragraphs like this.</p>
<textarea id="text-area" rows="4" cols="110">This is where the text should appear...
これが実際の例です: http://jsfiddle.net/T4guG/2/
jQuery と Javascript を使用して、選択した (および周囲の) テキストをテキスト領域に表示しようとしています。
1) 解決済み: 句読点に問題がありましたが、以下を置き換えます:
if (element == "{") {
content_array[i] = foo[j];
if (element.indexOf('{') >= 0) {
content_array[i] = foo[j];
{ を一貫して検出できるようにする
2) 解決済み: オプションは 1 回しか変更できません。
私が思いついたものよりもエレガントなソリューションはありますか? コードは次のとおりです。
function updateTextArea() {
//get all of the text selections, and put them in an array
var foo = [];
$('.selector :selected').each(function (i, selected) {
foo[i] = $(selected).text();
//get the paragraph content, and store it
var safe_content = $('#the-text').html();
//delete all the options
//get the text without the dropdown options
var content = $('#the-text').html();
//create a regex expression to detect the remaining drop-down code
var pattern = "<select class=\"selector\"></select>",
re = new RegExp(pattern, "g");
//replace all the drop-down selections with {
content = content.replace(re, "{");
//turn the content into an array
content_array = content.split(" ");
//go through the array, and if a element is {, go to "foo" and replace it with the selected option
var length = content_array.length,
element = null;
var j = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
element = content_array[i];
if (element == "{") {
content_array[i] = foo[j];
//turn the array back into a paragraph
new_content = content_array.join(" ");
//replace the text with the origionanl text
//put the new content into the text area
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".selector").change(function () {