VS 2012, .NET 4.0, Moq.4.1.1308.2321, Debug configuration. My static class creates Moq object like this:
public static Mock<IQuoteStorage> MakeMoq()
var moq = new Mock<IQuoteStorage>();
moq.Setup(s => s.GetTickersHistoryStarts()).Returns<Dictionary<string, DateSpan>>(
return new Dictionary<string, DateSpan>();
moq.Setup(s => s.GetMinuteCandlesPacked(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<DateTime>(), It.IsAny<DateTime>())).Returns((string ticker, DateTime start, DateTime end) =>
return new PackedCandleStream(new List<CandleDataPacked>(), false);
return moq;
I store this MakeMoq().Object in a static variable implementer of a class named QuoteStorageProxy. Then I use this QuoteStorageProxy - make an instance of it and call some method. In this method I check
if (implementer == null) // ReferenceEquals do the same
throw new Exception("...");
I do not see any reason for the implementer (Moq.Object) being null. VS debugger shows its fields! In Immediate I check "implementer == null" and get false. Still I get the exception!
How can it be null and not null at the same time?