I'd like to make d3 transition to a style defined in CSS. I can successfully transition to a style value which I explicitly apply in code. But, I'd like the target values of the animation to be defined in a style sheet.
Here's an example of a red div which transitions to a blue one:
<script src="http://d3js.org/d3.v3.js"></script>
div {
background: red
<div>Hello There</div>
d3.select('body div')
.style("background", "cornflowerblue");
And here's a my (incorrect) attempt at "storing" these values in CSS:
<script src="http://d3js.org/d3.v3.js"></script>
div {
background: red
div.myDiv {
background: cornflowerblue
<div>Hello There</div>
d3.select('body div')
.attr("class", "myDiv");
The former animates the background from red to blue. The latter jumps from red to blue (no tweening is applied to background value defined in the CSS).
I think I understand why it doesn't work. Can I animate to a set of values in a CSS style in d3, and how would I do it?