Okay... to make a long story short... here is my code...
$con = mysql_connect($db_server_name,$db_username,$db_password);
if (!$con)
echo "0";
mysql_select_db("" . $db_database_name . "", $con);
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sched_posts
WHERE user_id='$user_id'");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$post_id = $row['ID'];
$post_year = $row['post_year'];
$post_month = $row['post_month'];
$post_day = $row['post_day'];
$post_hour = $row['post_hour'];
$post_minute = $row['post_minute'];
$post_privacy = $row['post_privacy'];
$post_message = $row['post_message'];
echo " {";
echo " id: " . $post_id . ",";
echo " title: ' " . $post_message . "',";
echo " start: new Date(" . $post_year . ", " . $post_month . "-1, " . $post_day . ", " . $post_hour . ", " . $post_minute . "),";
echo " allDay: false";
echo " },";
When returning results, the post_message sometime's comes back with apostrophes in it. How can I get those results to appear as \' instead of just ' (in other words... with a backslash in front of it)?
PS.. I know some of this code looks unnecessary but please try to ignore that.... this is only setup this way for some testing that i am doing for facebook SDK results (for example, the identifiers inside of the WHILE statement).
The problem is, the returned apostrophes are causing the entire thing to go loopy... you know what i mean.