def genYieldThreeValues(stop):
j = 999
while stop >99 and j > 99:
multiples = str(stop * j)
front = multiples[:3] # get front three numbers
back = multiples[-3:] # get last three numbers
yield [front,back,multiples] # yield a list with first three, last three and all numbers
def highestPalindrome(n):
for x in genYieldThreeValues(n):
if x[1] ==x[0][::-1]: # compare first three and last three digits reversed
return x[2] # if they match return value
(編集: 新しいコード)
def genYieldThreeValues(stop):
while stop >99:
yield stop
def highestPalindrome(n):
highest = 0
for x in range(genYieldThreeValues(n).next(),99,-1):
for i in range(x,99,-1):
product = str(x*i)
if product[::-1] == product and product > highest:
if len(product) > 5:
highest = product
return highest