
地図上にマークされている 2 つの座標点があります。これらのポイント間でルートを線としてたどるが、直接ではなく道路上で、股間のポイントを指定せずに、どのようなコードを記述する必要がありますか?


1 に答える 1


Step #1: Find some Web service that will give you intermediate points, of sufficient granularity, along the desired route between the two end points. I have no idea if such a Web service exists that is publicly available.

Step #2: Use a Polyline to connect the intermediate points.

If by "without specifying their crotch points" you mean you do not want to use these intermediate points along your roads, please build a city that has perfectly straight roads, then limit your maps to that city.

于 2013-10-14T15:44:25.413 に答える