ペーパーDeprecating the Observer Pattern with Scala.Reactに基づいて、ペーパーから簡単な例を設定しようとしましたが、例外がスローされましたException in thread "main" java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed: This method must be run on its domain scala.react.NilDebug@1502c065
関連する質問はRunning a simple Scala.React expressionです。
scala react ライブラリの優れた機能を使用するには、どのようにすべてを設定すればよいですか?
object MyFirstReact extends App {
object MyDomain extends scala.react.Domain {
protected val scheduler: Scheduler = new ManualScheduler
protected val engine: Engine = new Engine
import MyDomain._
case class MouseEvent(position: (Int, Int))
class Path(var positions: Seq[(Int, Int)]) {
def this(pos: (Int, Int)) = this(Seq(pos))
def lineTo(pos: (Int, Int)) { positions = positions :+ pos }
def close { positions = positions :+ positions.head }
val mouseDown: Events[MouseEvent] = Events.once(MouseEvent((0, 0)))
val mouseMove: Events[MouseEvent] = Events.once(MouseEvent((1, 1)))
val mouseUp: Events[MouseEvent] = Events.once(MouseEvent((2, 2)))
def draw(path: Path) { /* ... */ }
Reactor.loop { self =>
// step 1
val path = new Path((self await mouseDown).position)
self.loopUntil(mouseUp) { // step 2
val m = self awaitNext mouseMove
path.close // step 3