var speed : int = 1;
var lastPoint : Vector2; //make this private if you want to.
function Update()
var offset : float; //offset of the touch from last frame
if(Input.touches.Length 0)//make sure we have a touch in the first place
var evt : Touch = Input.touches[0]; //setting up touch events so we can get fancy.
if(evt.phase == TouchPhase.Began) //this is the first frame the screen has been touched for, simply save the point.
lastPoint == evt.position;
else if(evt.phase == TouchPhase.Moved
offset = evt.position.x - lastPoint.x ;//take the difference
//I'm going to use Transform.Rotate because it's handy dandy
transform.Rotate(0,offset * speed,0);
//save the new "lastPoint"
lastPoint = evt.position;
else if(evt.phase == TouchPhase.Ended)
//If you want the object to drift after you spin it you can make a function to go here.
//To do this, take the speed of the rotation and continue to rotate all while subtracting off of the speed.
//I would use the Transform.Rotate function on this too.
//If you need me to I could write this function too.