これが私がこれまでに持っているコードです。ほとんどの部分でロジックがダウンしていると思いますが、2 人の子を持つ部分で立ち往生しています..それを機能させるためにどのような種類のアルゴリズムを使用する必要があるかを理解しました (コメントで注釈を付けました)関数の一番下にあります)、開始方法がわかりません...誰かが私を正しい方向に向けることができますか??
void BinaryTree::remove(int data){
// Is the data valid?
if(data < 0){
cerr << data << " is not valid. Must be a positive integer value." << endl;
// Find the node
BinNode* loc = root;
BinNode* parent = nullptr;
bool found = false;
while(!found && loc != nullptr){
if(data > loc->data){
parent = loc;
loc = loc->right;
else if(data < loc->data){
parent = loc;
loc = loc->left;
else found = true;
// If there is a parent, take care of the pointer
if(parent != nullptr){
if(loc->data < parent->data)
parent->left = nullptr;
else if(loc->data > parent->data)
parent->right = nullptr;
// If there are children, save pointers to them
BinNode* leftChild = nullptr;
BinNode* rightChild = nullptr;
if(loc->left != nullptr)
leftChild = loc->left;
if(loc->right != nullptr)
rightChild = loc->right;
// So now pointers to the children have been saved (if they exist) and
// parent pointers have been taken care of (if they exist) the node can be deleted
// If no children exist simply just delete the node and return
delete loc;
// If one child exists
if(leftChild != nullptr || rightChild != nullptr){
if(leftChild != nullptr){
if(leftChild->data < parent->data)
parent->left = leftChild;
else if(leftChild->data > parent->data)
parent->right = leftChild;
else if(rightChild != nullptr){
if(rightChild->data < parent->data)
parent->left = rightChild;
else if(rightChild->data > parent->data)
parent->right = rightChild;
// Both children exist...this sucks.
else if(leftChild != nullptr && rightChild != nullptr){
// Find a minimum in the right subtree
BinNode * min = root;
BinNode * minParent = nullptr;
while(min->left != nullptr){
minParent = min;
min = min->left;
// Replace value of the node to be removed with the found minimum
loc = new BinNode(min->data);
// Delete the remaining duplicate node
if(minParent != nullptr)
minParent->left = nullptr;
delete min;