import React from 'react'
import AppBar from 'material-ui/lib/app-bar'
class NavBar extends React.Component {
render () {
return (
title='My NavBar Title'
export default NavBar
そして、 TapeとEnzymeを使用して、レンダリング時にマテリアル UI AppBarがユーザーに表示されることを確認するテストを設定したいと思います。NavBar
import NavBar from './NavBar'
import React from 'react'
import test from 'tape'
// import { I don't know exactly what to import here. Maybe `shallow`? } from 'enzyme'
test('NavBar component test', (assert) => {
test('I should see an AppBar', (assert) => {
// How can I test for it?
// Also, can I test only for the presence of `AppBar`, without
// necessarily for the overriding of props? For example,
// even if I actually have <AppBar title='My NavBar title' />,
// can I test only for `AppBar`?