テーブル内のセルにアクセスするために多くのことを試みました。内部テキスト検索に基づいて必要な行を実際に見つけましたが、columnindex を見つかった行の列に変更すると、mouse.click(cell); を取得できません。何をするにも。以下の私のコードを見てください。何度も改造しました!また、レコードを使用してセルに関する情報を取得しました。メソッド:
` public string SelectExistingCustomer(UITestControl parent, TestContext TestContext, string sLastName)
Controls control = new Controls(this.parent);
EditControl econtrol = new EditControl(this.parent);
HtmlTable tCustomerSearch = new HtmlTable(this.parent);
//HtmlTable tCustomerSearch1 = tCustomerSearch;
HtmlCell cell = new HtmlCell(tCustomerSearch);
//HtmlCell cell = GetCell;
string sFullName = "";
string sRowIndex = "";
if (sLastName != "")
// CodedUI scrolls items into view before it can click them
bool notfound = true;
int NumberOfpages = 0;
while (notfound)
tCustomerSearch.SearchProperties.Add(HtmlTable.PropertyNames.TagName, "TABLE");
Trace.WriteLine("####tCustomerSearch??? : " + tCustomerSearch + " : TABLE.");
int rowcount = tCustomerSearch.RowCount;
Trace.WriteLine("Row###: " + rowcount + ".");
HtmlRow lastRow = (HtmlRow)tCustomerSearch.Rows[rowcount - 1];
cell.SearchProperties.Add(HtmlCell.PropertyNames.InnerText, sLastName, PropertyExpressionOperator.Contains);
if (cell.TryFind())
notfound = false;
sFullName = cell.GetProperty(HtmlCell.PropertyNames.InnerText).ToString();
sRowIndex = cell.GetProperty(HtmlCell.PropertyNames.RowIndex).ToString();
Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("found name at page {0}", NumberOfpages));
Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Table row nr: {0}", cell.RowIndex));
Trace.WriteLine("cell####: " + cell + ".");
else Trace.WriteLine("NOT FOUND: CELL###:" + cell + ". And sFullName: " + sFullName + ".");
Trace.WriteLine("CELL###:" + cell + ". And sFullName: " + sFullName + ". And sRowIndex: " + sRowIndex + ".");
cell.SearchProperties.Add(HtmlCell.PropertyNames.RowIndex, sRowIndex);
cell.SearchProperties.Add(HtmlCell.PropertyNames.ColumnIndex, "0");
cell.SearchProperties[HtmlCell.PropertyNames.InnerText] = "Get";
//HtmlInputButton stry = new HtmlInputButton(cell);
catch (Exception ex)
Trace.WriteLine("Failed to Search and find. Exception: " + ex + ".");
return "Failed";
//else - For the Future
return sFullName;
テーブルとセル - 記録からこれを変更しましたが、これが何をするのかよくわかりませんが、コンボックスからの選択が困難なときに同様のことを行いました:
public class tCustomerSearch : HtmlTable
public tCustomerSearch(UITestControl searchLimitContainer) :
#region Search Criteria
this.FilterProperties[HtmlTable.PropertyNames.ControlDefinition] = "class=\"table table-striped\"";
this.FilterProperties[HtmlTable.PropertyNames.Class] = "table table-striped";
this.FilterProperties[HtmlTable.PropertyNames.TagInstance] = "1";
#region Properties
public HtmlCell GetCell
if ((this.mGetCell == null))
this.mGetCell = new HtmlCell(this);
#region Search Criteria
this.mGetCell.SearchProperties[HtmlCell.PropertyNames.InnerText] = "Get";
//this.GetCell.SearchProperties[HtmlCell.PropertyNames.MaxDepth] = "3";
Trace.WriteLine("###sLastName: " + sLastName + ". And mGetCell: " + mGetCell + ".");
return this.mGetCell;
// public string ctrlPropertyValue { get; private set; }
public string sLastName { get; }
#region Fields
private HtmlCell mGetCell;