「RunDirMulti.bat」を使用して、Python を使用して EnergyPlus バッチ シミュレーションを起動しています。このバット ファイルは、ディレクトリ上のシミュレーション ファイルごとに 1 つのプロセスを作成します。RunDirMulti は次のようになります。
@echo off
: This batch file is used to run EnergyPlus simulations using the RunEPlus.bat for all
: the files in the current directory across multiple separate processor cores. It has
: two parameters, the weather file name to use for simulations and the number of
: processors.
: RunDirMulti <weather file> (opt) <number processor cores> (opt)
: The RunDirMulti batch file loops through the files located in the current directory
: and puts RunEPlus calls to each file into as many temporary batch files as processor
: cores and then starts each of the batch files. No load balancing between the cores
: is achieved using this method. The RunDirMulti.bat file should be located in a
: directory that contains the IDF files.
: Main routine
: maindir - change if you did not install in default folder (to be safe, use quotes)
SET maindir="E:\PROGRAMAS\EnergyPlusV8-4-0\"
: The default weather file name if not provided as an argument.
SET weather=ECU_Quito.840710_IWEC
: The default number of separate processor cores that the simulations should use if
: not provided as an argument.
SET numProc=4
IF "%1" NEQ "" SET weather=%1
IF "%2" NEQ "" SET numProc=%2
SET count=0
: Loop through the temporary directories and delete the temporary batch files.
for /L %%G in (1,1,%numProc%) do call :clean1 %%G
: Loop through each filename and divides them into each temporary batch file.
for %%F in (.\*.idf) do call :divide1 "%%F"
: Loop through each temporary directory and adds EXIT to each temporary batch file.
for /L %%G in (1,1,%numProc%) do echo EXIT >> .\tempsim%%G\simpart%%G.bat
: Loop through each temporary directory and starts the batch file in a new window
for /L %%G in (1,1,%numProc%) do call :startEach1 %%G
: The following line goes to the end of the batch file.
: Subroutine that deletes the temporary batch files from each
: working directory.
IF EXIST .\tempsim%1\simpart%1.bat (
DEL .\tempsim%1\simpart%1.bat
) ELSE (
MD .\tempsim%1
: The following line returns to the main routine.
: Subroutine that takes the file name and uses a counter
: and the MOD operator (double percent) to group them
: into as many batch files as necessary.
SET /a count="count + 1"
SET /a group="count %% numProc + 1"
echo CALL %maindir%RunEPlus.bat "%~dpn1" %weather% >>.\tempsim%group%\simpart%group%.bat
: The following line returns to the main routine.
: Subroutine that starts each batch file
cd .\tempsim%1
START "Batch Simulation%1" simpart%1.bat
cd ..
: The following line returns to the main routine.
ただし、すべての子プロセスが終了するのを待ちません。私はすでに Popen と Popen.wait() を試しました。アイデアを教えてください。