次の sql を高速化したい (コストは 19685.75)。複数の複雑なネストされた AND 条件が WHERE ステートメントで OR と組み合わされているこの SQL にインデックスを付けることはできますか?

    ON ("crawler_url"."url") U0."id"
FROM "characteristics_text" U0 LEFT OUTER
JOIN "characteristics_text_urls"
    ON (U0."id" = "characteristics_text_urls"."text_id") LEFT OUTER
JOIN "crawler_url"
    ON ("characteristics_text_urls"."url_id" = "crawler_url"."id")
        U0."publication_date" BETWEEN '2018-01-01' AND '2018-12-31'
        AND EXTRACT('month' FROM U0."publication_date") = 10
        U0."publication_date" IS NULL
        AND U0."lastmod" BETWEEN '2018-01-01' AND '2018-12-31'
        AND EXTRACT('month' FROM U0."lastmod") = 10
        U0."publication_date" IS NULL
        AND U0."lastmod" IS NULL
        AND U0."created_at" BETWEEN '2018-01-01 00:00:00+08:00' AND '2018-12-31 23:59:59.999999+08:00'
        AND EXTRACT('month' FROM U0."created_at" AT TIME ZONE 'Asia/Hong_Kong') = 10
        U0."publication_date" >= '2018-08-01'
        AND U0."publication_date" < '2018-10-31'
        U0."publication_date" IS NULL
        AND U0."lastmod" >='2018-08-01'
        AND U0."lastmod" < '2018-10-31'
        U0."publication_date" IS NULL
        AND U0."lastmod" IS NULL
        AND U0."created_at" >= '2018-07-31 16:00:00+00:00'
        AND U0."created_at" < '2018-10-30 16:00:00+00:00'
ORDER BY  "crawler_url"."url" ASC, U0."created_at" DESC

テーブル テキストには、次のフィールドとインデックスが含まれています (他のフィールドは表示されていません)。

                                            Table "public.characteristics_text"                                                                                                     
            Column         |           Type           |                             Modifiers                                                                                        
    id                     | integer                  | not null default nextval('characteristics_text_id_seq'::regclass)
    text                   | text                     | 
    created_at             | timestamp with time zone | not null
    lastmod                | date                     | 
    publication_date       | date                     | 
        "characteristics_text_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
        "characteristics_text_fde81f11" btree (created_at)
        "characteristics_text_lastmod_3bff34c2_uniq" btree (lastmod)
        "characteristics_text_publication_date_772c1bda_uniq" btree (publication_date)
        "characteristics_text_publication_date_c6311385_idx" btree (publication_date, lastmod, created_at)

created_at、lastmod、publication_date の 3 つの単一インデックスを追加しました。これらのフィールドの 1 つの複数列インデックス。

しかし、postgres EXPAIN クエリでは、この where 句はまだSeq Scanを使用していますが、 Index Scanは使用していません。

->  Seq Scan on characteristics_text u0  (cost=0.00..19685.75 rows=14535 width=12)
    Filter: (
                (publication_date >= '2018-01-01'::date) AND 
                (publication_date <= '2018-12-31'::date) AND 
                            'month'::text, (publication_date)::timestamp without time zone
                ) = 10::double precision)
            ) OR 

                ((publication_date IS NULL) AND (lastmod >= '2018-01-01'::date) AND (lastmod <= '2018-12-31'::date) AND (date_part('month'::text, (lastmod)::timestamp without time zone) = 10::double precision)) OR ((publication_date IS NULL) AND (lastmod IS NULL) AND (created_at >= '2017-12-31 16:00:00+00'::timestamp with time zone) AND (created_at <= '2018-12-31 15:59:59.999999+00'::timestamp with time zone) AND (date_part('month'::text, timezone('Asia/Hong_Kong'::text, created_at)) = 10::double precision)) OR ((publication_date >= '2018-08-01'::date) AND (publication_date < '2018-10-31'::date)) OR ((publication_date IS NULL) AND (lastmod >= '2018-08-01'::date) AND (lastmod < '2018-10-31'::date)) OR ((publication_date IS NULL) AND (lastmod IS NULL) AND (created_at >= '2018-07-31 16:00:00+00'::timestamp with time zone) AND (created_at < '2018-10-30 16:00:00+00'::timestamp with time zone))

です。1. この複雑な SELECT 句にインデックス スキャンを使用するように postgres を作成することは可能ですか?
2. AND 句ごとに 1 つの複数列インデックスを作成する必要がありますか? たとえば(publication_date, lastmod)、この原因でインデックスを作成しますか?

        U0."publication_date" IS NULL
        AND U0."lastmod" BETWEEN '2018-01-01' AND '2018-12-31'
        AND EXTRACT('month' FROM U0."lastmod") = 10
  1. インデックスは IS NULL の検索で機能しますか? IS NULL のフィールド検索はインデックスにする必要がありますか?

2018 年 11 月 4 日更新

フィールドを 1 つずつテストしてクエリを最小化しようとすると、フィールドpublication_datelast_modトリガー インデックス スキャンが個別に行われますが、次のcreated_atことはできません。


    ON ("crawler_url"."url") U0."id"
FROM "characteristics_text" U0 LEFT OUTER
JOIN "characteristics_text_urls"
    ON (U0."id" = "characteristics_text_urls"."text_id") LEFT OUTER
JOIN "crawler_url"
    ON ("characteristics_text_urls"."url_id" = "crawler_url"."id")
        U0."created_at" BETWEEN '2018-01-01 00:00:00+08:00' AND '2018-12-31 23:59:59.999999+08:00'
        AND EXTRACT('month' FROM U0."created_at" AT TIME ZONE 'Asia/Hong_Kong') = 10
ORDER BY  "crawler_url"."url" ASC, U0."created_at" DESC

Unique  (cost=18004.05..18006.01 rows=393 width=86)
->  Sort  (cost=18004.05..18005.03 rows=393 width=86)
        Sort Key: crawler_url.url, u0.created_at
        ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=0.71..17987.11 rows=393 width=86)
            ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=0.42..17842.25 rows=393 width=16)
                    ->  Seq Scan on characteristics_text u0  (cost=0.00..15467.37 rows=393 width=12)
                        Filter: ((created_at >= '2017-12-31 16:00:00+00'::timestamp with time zone) AND (created_at <= '2018-12-31 15:59:59.999999+00'::timestamp with time zone) AND (date_part('month'::text, timezone('Asia/Hong_Kong'::text, created_at)) = 10::double precision))
                    ->  Index Scan using characteristics_text_urls_65eb77fe on characteristics_text_urls  (cost=0.42..6.03 rows=1 width=8)
                        Index Cond: (u0.id = text_id)
            ->  Index Scan using crawler_url_pkey on crawler_url  (cost=0.29..0.36 rows=1 width=78)
                    Index Cond: (characteristics_text_urls.url_id = id)


    U0."publication_date" IS NULL
    AND U0."lastmod" >='2018-08-01'
    AND U0."lastmod" < '2018-10-31'

Unique  (cost=17053.26..17085.63 rows=6473 width=86)
->  Sort  (cost=17053.26..17069.44 rows=6473 width=86)
        Sort Key: crawler_url.url, u0.created_at
        ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=11130.73..16643.51 rows=6473 width=86)
            ->  Hash Right Join  (cost=11130.44..14257.63 rows=6473 width=16)
                    Hash Cond: (characteristics_text_urls.text_id = u0.id)
                    ->  Seq Scan on characteristics_text_urls  (cost=0.00..1858.01 rows=120601 width=8)
                    ->  Hash  (cost=11049.53..11049.53 rows=6473 width=12)
                        ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on characteristics_text u0  (cost=186.95..11049.53 rows=6473 width=12)
                                Recheck Cond: ((publication_date IS NULL) AND (lastmod >= '2018-08-01'::date) AND (lastmod < '2018-10-31'::date))
                                ->  Bitmap Index Scan on characteristics_text_publication_date_c6311385_idx  (cost=0.00..185.33 rows=6473 width=0)
                                    Index Cond: ((publication_date IS NULL) AND (lastmod >= '2018-08-01'::date) AND (lastmod < '2018-10-31'::date))
            ->  Index Scan using crawler_url_pkey on crawler_url  (cost=0.29..0.36 rows=1 width=78)
                    Index Cond: (characteristics_text_urls.url_id = id)

3 に答える 3