track.attach を使用してリモート参加者トラックをアタッチし、track.detach() を使用してトラックを削除しようとすると、この問題に直面していますが、e.attach is not function のようなエラーが発生します このエラーを解決する方法. attachtrack 関数で、トラックをアタッチしようとすると、この問題に直面しています。私の twilio-video バージョンは 2.4.0 です。よろしくお願いします。

  room.on('participantConnected', participant => {
                console.log(`Participant connected: ${participant.identity}`);
                // this.setTimer();
                room.participants.forEach(participant => {
                    console.log(`Participant "${participant.identity}" is connected to the Room`);
         this.participantConnected(participant, room, true);
        console.log("publish--->>>", participant);

  participantConnected =(participant, room, flag) =>{
      participant.tracks.forEach(publication => {
            this.trackPublished(publication, participant, flag);

        // Handle theTrackPublications that will be published by the Participant later.
        participant.on('trackPublished', publication => {
            this.trackPublished(publication, participant, flag);

  trackPublished=(publication, participant, flag)=> {
        // If the TrackPublication is already subscribed to, then attach the Track to the DOM.
        if (publication.track) {
            this.attachTrack(publication.track, participant, flag);

        // Once the TrackPublication is subscribed to, attach the Track to the DOM.
        publication.on('subscribed', track => {
            this.attachTrack(track, participant, flag);

        // Once the TrackPublication is unsubscribed from, detach the Track from the DOM.
        publication.on('unsubscribed', track => {
            this.detachTrack(track, participant, flag);

attachTrack=(track, participant, flag)=>{

        var mediaContainer = document.getElementById('local-media');
      if (flag == true) {
            if (track.kind === 'video') {
                const participantdiv = document.createElement('div');
                participantdiv.id = participant.sid;
                remoteparticipantsid = participant.sid
                console.log("add remote--->>>", participant.sid);

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