これはかなり厄介ですが、今のところ何もないよりはましです。CI が常にアセットを構築することを保証し、ローカル開発が常に最新のアセットを持つことを保証しますbin/dev
# Under Rails 7 with 'cssbundling-rails' and/or the 'jsbundling-rails' gems,
# entirely external systems are used for asset management. With Sprockets no
# longer synchronously building assets on-demand and only when the source files
# changed, compiled assets might be (during local development) or will almost
# always be (CI systems) either out of date or missing when tests are run.
# People are used to "bundle exec rspec" and things working. The out-of-box gem
# 'cssbundling-rails' hooks into a vanilla Rails "prepare" task, running a full
# "css:build" task in response. This is quite slow and generates console spam
# on every test run, but points to a slightly better solution for RSpec.
# This class is a way of packaging that solution. The class wrapper is really
# just a namespace / container for the code.
# First, if you aren't already doing this, add the folllowing lines to
# "spec_helper.rb" somewhere *after* the "require 'rspec/rails'" line:
# require 'rake'
# YourAppName::Application.load_tasks
# ...and call MaintainTestAssets::maintain! (see that method's documentation
# for details). See also constants MaintainTestAssets::ASSET_SOURCE_FOLDERS and
# MaintainTestAssets::EXPECTED_ASSETS for things you may want to customise.
class MaintainTestAssets
# All the places where you have asset files of any kind that you expect to be
# dynamically compiled/transpiled/etc. via external tooling. The given arrays
# are passed to "Rails.root.join..." to generate full pathnames.
# Folders are checked recursively. If any file timestamp therein is greater
# than (newer than) any of EXPECTED_ASSETS, a rebuild is triggered.
['app', 'assets', 'stylesheets'],
['app', 'javascript'],
# The leaf files that ASSET_SOURCE_FOLDERS will build. These are all checked
# for in "File.join(Rails.root, 'app', 'assets', 'builds')". Where files are
# written together - e.g. a ".js" and ".js.map" file - you only need to list
# any one of the group of concurrently generated files.
# In a standard JS / CSS combination this would just be 'application.css' and
# 'application.js', but more complex applications might have added or changed
# entries in the "scripts" section of 'package.json'.
# Call this method somewhere at test startup, e.g. in "spec_helper.rb" before
# tests are actually run (just above "RSpec.configure..." works reasonably).
def self.maintain!
run_build = false
newest_mtime = Time.now - 100.years
# Find the newest modificaftion time across all source files of any type -
# for simplicity, timestamps of JS vs CSS aren't considered
ASSET_SOURCE_FOLDERS.each do | relative_array |
glob_path = Rails.root.join(*relative_array, '**', '*')
Dir[glob_path].each do | filename |
next if File.directory?(filename) # NOTE EARLY LOOP RESTART
source_mtime = File.mtime(filename)
newest_mtime = source_mtime if source_mtime > newest_mtime
# Compile the built asset leaf names into full file names for convenience.
built_assets = EXPECTED_ASSETS.map do | leaf |
Rails.root.join('app', 'assets', 'builds', leaf)
# If any of the source files are newer than expected built assets, or if
# any of those assets are missing, trigger a rebuild task *and* force a new
# timestamp on all output assets (just in case build script optimisations
# result in a file being skipped as "already up to date", which would cause
# the code here to otherwise keep trying to rebuild it on every run).
run_build = built_assets.any? do | filename |
File.exist?(filename) == false || File.mtime(filename) < newest_mtime
if run_build
Rake::Task[ 'css:build'].invoke()
built_assets.each { | filename | FileUtils.touch(filename, nocreate: true) }