問題タブ [autograd]

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python - PyTorch - autograd 変数の変更

私の PyTorch プログラムには、実行時に継続的に更新されるマトリックスがあります。


matrixとはどちらhiddenも autograd 変数です。上記の例を使用すると、次のエラー メッセージが表示されます。


おそらく、マトリックスをスライスして torch.cat で新しいマトリックスを作成するとうまくいくでしょうが、これはあまり良い解決策ではないようです。



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python-3.x - PyTorch でカスタム損失関数を実行中

nn.Module を拡張してカスタム損失関数を使用しようとしていますが、エラーを回避できません。

変数の要素 0 は grad を必要とせず、grad_fn を持っていません







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692 参照

python - Avoiding array assignment in autograd

I understand from the autograd tutorial that array assignment is not supported when the array is contained in the objective to be differentiated. However, I currently have the following objective function in my code which I would like to differentiate with respect to theta:

Typically I can avoid the for loop by vectorizing the computation over theta; however, in this case the computation already involves various linear algebra operations (inverses, etc.) given a specific row of theta (as hyperparameters), and I found it quite difficult to vectorize the operation over all rows of theta. In this case, I don't know of a better way than filling the res array row by row with a for-loop.

I have tried a naive way to avoid array assignments by creating a list and at each iteration append the results to that list, then finally convert the list to the array upon returning res, but I get all-zero gradients in the end...

I wonder what is the general recommend solution in this setup?