古典的なアインシュタイン/ゼブラ パズルは次の形式で与えられます。
The Englishman lives in the red house.
The Swede keeps dogs.
The Dane drinks tea.
The green house is just to the left of the white one.
The owner of the green house drinks coffee.
The Pall Mall smoker keeps birds.
The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhills.
The man in the center house drinks milk.
The Norwegian lives in the first house.
The Blend smoker has a neighbor who keeps cats.
The man who smokes Blue Masters drinks bier.
The man who keeps horses lives next to the Dunhill smoker.
The German smokes Prince.
The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
The Blend smoker has a neighbor who drinks water.
The question to be answered is: Who keeps fish?
タスクは、パズル内の 5 人の人物がイギリス人、スウェーデン人、デンマーク人、ノルウェー人、ドイツ人、およびキープであると仮定して、これらのステートメントを一次論理の一連の閉じた式として表現することです。 (X,Y) は、X がペット Y を飼っていることを意味します。これらは後でプロローグに変換されます。
color(X, red) → lives(englishman, X)
keep(swede, dog)
drinks(dane, tea)
color(X, red) ∧ color(Y, green) → leftof(X, Y)
color(X, green) ∧ lives(Y, X) → drinks(Y, coffee)
smokes(X, pallmall) → keep(X, birds)
color(X, yellow) ∧ lives(Y, X) → smokes(Y, dunhills)
house(X) ∧ color(X, red) → lives(englishman, X)
dog(X) → keep(swede, X)
tea(X) → drinks(dane, X)
house(X) ∧ house(Y) ∧ color(X, green) ∧ color(Y, white) → leftof(X, Y)
house(X) ∧ color(X, green) ∧ lives(Y, X) ∧ coffee(Z) → drinks(Y, Z)
pallmalls(X) ∧ smokes(Y, X) ∧ birds(Z) → keep(Y, Z)
house(X) ∧ color(X, yellow) ∧ lives(Y, X) ∧ dunhills(Z) → smokes(Y, Z)
lives(englishman, redhouse)
keep(swede, dogs)
drinks(dane, tea)
leftof(greenhouse, whitehouse)
lives(X, greenhouse) → drinks(X, coffee)
smokes(X, pallmall) → keep(X, birds)
lives(X, yellowhouse) → smokes(X, dunhills)
lives(englishman, red)
keep(swede, dogs)
drinks(dane, tea)
leftof(green, white)
∃X lives(X, green) ∧ drinks(X, coffee)
∃X smokes(X, pallmalls) ∧ keep(X, birds)
∃X lives(X, yellow) ∧ smokes(X, dunhills)
∃X position(X, 3) ∧ drinks(X, milk)
position(norwegian, 1)
∃X,Y smokes(X, blend) ∧ neighbor(X, Y) ∧ smokes(Y, dunhill)
∃X smokes(X, bluemasters) ∧ drinks(X, bier)
∃X,Y keep(X, horses) ∧ neighbor(X, Y) ∧ smoke(Y, dunhill)
smokes(german, prince)
∃X neighbor(norwegian, X) ∧ lives(X, blue)
∃X,Y smokes(X, blends) ∧ neighbor(X,Y) ∧ drinks(Y, water)