What are people's opinions and/or experiences with game engines such as Unity or Torque Engine? If one were new to iPhone game dev is it worth it to learn one of the engines? What is the performance difference between apps generated by those engines vs a natively built App using the sdk?


3 に答える 3


Both will equal the performance of what most people could write themselves (i.e. if you're not an experienced game engine developer).

Whether it's worth learning (and buying since both Unity and Torque cost for iPhone development) you'll have to ask yourself two questions:

  1. Is my game idea suited the engine?
  2. Is my passion for programming or game design?

Looking at the range of games made with Unity, it seems very flexible because although it is a 3d engine, lots of 2d games have been made with it. The downside of using Unity for something very simple (say, a match-3 tile game) is that it's a bit over the top in terms of download size.

On the passion issue, some people like programming a lot and will always feel it's better to write the engine themselves. And that's OK. But if you have a great idea for a game and just want to 'bring it to market' as soon as possible, and it requires 3d rendering, character animation, that sort of thing, using Torque or Unity is going to get you there a lot faster.

于 2009-11-22T23:59:10.903 に答える

2D 開発を行いたい場合は、cocos2d iphoneをご覧ください。これは、ココア フリーのオープン ソースで実装されており、非常に簡単に入手できます。

于 2009-11-23T03:00:32.910 に答える



現在、フレームワーク/エンジンとゲームを構築しています。素晴らしい学習体験ですが、それには長い時間がかかることを理解しなければなりませんでした (私たちには日雇いがあります)。これまでのところ、この経験は目を見張るものがあり、多くのことを学びました...しかし、もう一度やりますか? おそらくそうではありません - 私は、エンジン固有ではなく、ゲームの設計とゲーム固有のロジックのコーディングを好むと思います。

私はプラットフォームについて多くの調査を行いましたが、個人的には Unity がとても気に入っています。それらに電子メールを送信して、iPhone 試用版ライセンスを要求できます。


于 2009-12-23T16:52:18.797 に答える