EV、勝つ可能性など、特定の種類の賭けのさまざまなメトリックを計算するプログラムがあります。また、賭けがどの程度「分散が重い」かの尺度も必要です。これが明確に意味するのは、「賭けを n 回繰り返した後、X 枚の現金がなくなる確率はどれくらいか」ということです。現在、シミュレーションを実行してこれを行っていますが、これは非常に遅いです。より直接的な数学/計算ソリューションでこれを行う方法を探しています。
賭けには 2 つの結果しかありません。1 つの負け状態と、任意の数の勝ち状態があり、さまざまな確率とさまざまな支払いがあり、データはすべてプログラムで利用できます。
Function GetOutcomeList() As List(Of Integer)
Dim result As New List(Of Integer)
For i = 1 To combos
Dim addcount As Integer = Math.Round((windistribution(i, 0, 1) / winchance(0)) * 500000)
For j = 1 To addcount
result.Add(windistribution(i, 0, 0))
Return result
End Function
Function GetVarianceMetric(bankroll As Integer) As Double
Dim simcount As Integer = 4000
Dim numofgames As Integer = bankroll / (bet ^ 0.6)
Dim simspassed As Integer = 0
Dim outcomeList As List(Of Integer) = GetOutcomeList()
For sims = 1 To simcount
Dim cash As Double = bankroll
For i = 1 To numofgames
Dim roll As Double = generator.NextDouble
cash -= bet
If roll <= winchance(0) AndAlso cash >= 0 Then
cash += outcomelist(generator.Next(1, outcomelist.Count))
ElseIf cash <= 0 Then
Exit For
End If
If cash > 0 Then
simspassed += 1
End If
Return (simspassed / simcount) * 100
End Function
以下は、meowgoesthedog のソリューションを実装しようとした私の試みです。これは、より多くの賭け/結果を課された場合、私のモンテカルロ ソリューションよりもはるかに遅くなりました。
Structure OutCome
Dim prob As Double
Dim cashChange As Integer
End Structure
Function GetNewVarianceMetric(bankroll As Integer) As Double
Dim n As Integer = 10
Dim out_list(winstates) As OutCome
Dim taken(winstates) As Boolean
For i = 0 To winstates - 1
Dim biggest() As Integer = {0, 0}
For j = 1 To winstates
If taken(j) = False AndAlso (windistribution(j, 0, 0) - betsize) >= biggest(1) Then
biggest(1) = windistribution(j, 0, 0)
biggest(0) = j
End If
Dim oc As New OutCome
oc.cashChange = windistribution(biggest(0), 0, 0) - betsize
oc.prob = windistribution(biggest(0), 0, 1)
out_list(i) = oc
taken(biggest(0)) = True
Dim ocLose As New OutCome
ocLose.cashChange = -betsize
ocLose.prob = 1 - winchance(0)
out_list(winstates) = ocLose
Dim prob_list(winstates) As Double
Dim c As Double = 0
For i = winstates To 0 Step -1
c += out_list(i).prob
prob_list(i) = c
Dim prob_runout As Double = prob_enough(n, bankroll, out_list, prob_list) * 100
Return prob_runout
End Function
Function prob_enough(n As Integer, x As Integer, out() As OutCome, probs() As Double) As Double
If x <= 0 Then
Return 0
End If
If n <= 1 Then
Dim i As Integer = search_smallest(out, x)
If (i < winstates) Then
Return probs(i)
Return 0
End If
End If
Dim S As Double = 0
For i = winstates To 0 Step -1
If out(i).cashChange < -x Then
Exit For
End If
S += out(i).prob * prob_enough(n - 1, x + out(i).cashChange, out, probs)
Return S
End Function
Function search_smallest(out() As OutCome, x As Integer) As Integer
Dim left As Integer = 0
Dim right As Integer = winstates
While left < right
Dim i As Integer = (left + right) / 2
If out(i).cashChange >= -x Then
right = i
left = i + 1
End If
End While
Return left
End Function