はい、params ラムダ関数を使用します。
MACBOOK> cat paramsArgs.yaml
A: "Hello world"
B: "Message: {config[A]} ID: {wildcards.ID} REP: {wildcards.REP}"
MACBOOK> cat paramsArgs
configfile: "paramsArgs.yaml"
rule all:
input: "ID2307_REP12.txt"
def paramFunc(key, wildcards, config):
return config[key].format(wildcards=wildcards, config=config)
output: "ID{ID}_REP{REP}.txt"
params: A=config["A"], B=lambda wildcards: paramFunc("B", wildcards, config)
echo 'A is {params.A}' > {output}
echo 'B is {params.B}' >> {output}
MACBOOK> snakemake -s paramsArgs
Provided cores: 1
Rules claiming more threads will be scaled down.
Job counts:
count jobs
1 2
1 all
rule 2:
output: ID2307_REP12.txt
jobid: 1
wildcards: REP=12, ID=2307
Finished job 1.
1 of 2 steps (50%) done
localrule all:
input: ID2307_REP12.txt
jobid: 0
Finished job 0.
2 of 2 steps (100%) done
MACBOOK> cat ID2307_REP12.txt
A is Hello world
B is Message: Hello world ID: 2307 REP: 12