
double printOccupied(boost::shared_ptr<octomap::OcTree> octree) {

    // Get some octomap config data
    auto res = octree->getResolution();
    unsigned int max_depth = octree->getTreeDepth();

    // Iterate over nodes
    int count = 0;
    std::cout << "printOccupied: octree res = " << res << std::endl;
    std::cout << "printOccupied: octree max depth = " << max_depth << std::endl;
    std::cout << "printOccupied: iterating over nodes..." << std::endl;
    for (octomap::OcTree::iterator it = octree->begin(); it != octree->end(); ++it) {
        if (octree->isNodeOccupied(*it) && it.getDepth() < max_depth) {
            // Fetching the coordinates in octomap-space
            std::cout << "  x = " << it.getX() << std::endl;
            std::cout << "  y = " << it.getY() << std::endl;
            std::cout << "  z = " << it.getZ() << std::endl;
            std::cout << "  size = " << it.getSize() << std::endl;
            std::cout << "  depth = " << it.getDepth() << std::endl;
            // Then convert to meters???
            auto cell = std::make_tuple(it.getX() * res,
                                        it.getY() * res,
                                        it.getZ() * res);
    std::cout << "printOccupied: number of occupied cells = " << count << std::endl;

octree空から生成された を渡すと、PlanningScene予想どおり、占有セルが 0 になります。シーンの参照フレーム (メートル) に従って、xyz 座標 (0.1、0.8、0.1) で半径 0.05 メートルの単一の球体を持つことがわかっているシーンを使用すると、次の出力が得られます。

printOccupied: octree res = 0.02
printOccupied: octree max depth = 16
printOccupied: iterating over nodes...
  x = -327.68
  y = -327.68
  z = -327.68
  size = 655.36
  depth = 1
  x = 327.68
  y = -327.68
  z = -327.68
  size = 655.36
  depth = 1
  x = -491.52
  y = 491.52
  z = -491.52
  size = 327.68
  depth = 2
  x = 327.68
  y = 327.68
  z = -327.68
  size = 655.36
  depth = 1
  x = -92.16
  y = 624.64
  z = 51.2
  size = 20.48
  depth = 6
  x = -81.92
  y = 409.6
  z = 245.76
  size = 163.84
  depth = 3
  x = -419.84
  y = 624.64
  z = 378.88
  size = 20.48
  depth = 6
  x = -409.6
  y = 409.6
  z = 573.44
  size = 163.84
  depth = 3
  x = 327.68
  y = 327.68
  z = 327.68
  size = 655.36
  depth = 1
printOccupied: number of occupied cells = 9

これらの octomap xyz 値は期待どおりに単一の小さな球体に対応していないため、確かに変換が必要です。この変換は何ですか?


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